
Elkhart Regional Training Center (ERTC) at Cop'er Canyon

Cop'er Canyon is located in Bristol, IN and you may not be aware, the F.O.P. plans to repurpose the Cop’er Canyon Lodge, into a training facility.

This training facility will feature the following elements:


  • A 2,200 sq ft house designated for scenario-based training

  • Two classrooms

    • Classroom one focuses on public outreach and training for new officers, as well as those from specialized units. Free classes such as CPR, First Aid, and Personal Protection.

    • Classroom two is dedicated to the training of Police K-9 working dogs

    • Functional bathrooms and Kitchen


  • K-9 Working Dog Zone with a multi-functional open area

  • Spacious patio featuring grills, seating, and a scenic view.

  • Vehicle parking lot allocated for scenario-based training

  • A state-of-the-art firearms range.

A F.O.P. Training Center board has been formed, comprising members from Elkhart County Sheriff, the Goshen City Police Department, and the Elkhart City Police Department. By March 5th, we will finalize the sponsorship packets, website, tax forms, and various other essential documents to guarantee the swift establishment of the training center. Finally, the F.O.P. is not obtaining any funds from the police departments. As a result, we will be reaching out to community members and local businesses for their support! If you wish to submit a donation for this project, please go to the donate tab.

Rental Fee: TBA


Request your Training Event

If you would like more information on reservations at Cop'er Canyon, fill out the form below and our scheduler will get back to you.